By signing up for The Studio by Art2Life (“A2L”), you agree to the following terms and conditions, and community guidelines regarding your participation in The Studio Membership.  


Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into our community. Please be thoughtful, especially when judging others’ artwork. We need honest feedback obviously, but offer it along with a positive idea or tip that can help lead to a solution. Critique others in a way that you would like to be. Treat everyone with care, compassion, and respect.
Healthy debate about ideas is natural, and virtual communication can be tricky sometimes, but personal attacks are not acceptable. Ever. If you’re feeling upset about something another member has said or shared, take some time before responding. If unclear about how to respond, reach out to one of our Support Team members.


This is a positive environment for creative support. Please don’t gossip or trash talk about any of our members or anyone else for that matter. We don’t need to put others down even when we feel frustrated.
If you have a challenging issue, either with the program, a team member, or any community member, resolve it directly via email or even a call. Keep it private and outside of our community.
If you are unclear about how to respond to someone, please reach out to Support at for assistance.


Ask for what you need. If you want feedback from your fellow members, ask for it. If you’re stuck and need some ideas…ask. If you’re not getting what you need when you post, check your ask. Was it clear? If not, ask again. Always assume positive intent and reach out.
Give help to your fellow members. Share what you’re working on. Share when you have figured something out, especially when others are still struggling with the same issue. Share what you’ve found. Share what challenges you. Share your wins. Cheer for others.
Keep the focus on sharing, support and encouragement. Give more than you ask…and we’ll all benefit.


Please do not copy, steal or share any community member’s intellectual property. If you have a question about using other members' content, check with them first. Do not assume permission.
All content on The Studio Website, including all the videos and downloads, are for your personal use only. They cannot be shared with anyone outside of the membership, nor can they be used for any professional use. All content provided by Art2Life is copyrighted and unauthorized use is strictly forbidden.


In an effort to keep the The Studio Membership group clear of advertisements and offerings, please do not post blogs, newsletters, workshop/course offerings, services relating to art, book releases, and/or your individual art for sale.
(Note: The one exception is that we do allow exhibition or art show announcements to be posted in the group.)
Please do not automatically add Art2Life Members to your newsletter and/or email list. No spamming and/or violating another Member’s privacy is allowed.
Fundraisers of any kind are not allowed at any time unless previously approved by Art2Life.
If this guideline is repeatedly ignored, it could result in your removal from the program.

Please note that it is at the discretion of the Art2Life Team to remove a post or comment, or to turn off commenting if a post goes against our Community Guidelines and/or is not benefiting the Community. If you are uncertain whether what you are sharing or asking is appropriate, please reach out to Support at


The purpose of The Studios’ Group is for our growing community of artists to share, support, and inspire each other in relation to creating and improving their art.
We ask that your posts and comments be in line with the guidelines in this document, keeping them kind, helpful and related to your art practice and the membership content.
Posts that do not have anything to do with the above and/or are not benefiting the community will be subject to removal. Please remember that it is at the discretion of the Art2Life Team to remove a post or comment, or to turn off commenting.

If you do decide to hire or create any contractual relationship with any of our members, you do so at your own risk and outside of the framework of this program. We recommend you have clear written contracts and service agreements in place. Art2Life, The Studio and/or Nicholas Wilton are not responsible for any loss of revenue, damages, breach of contract, or any other unfavorable circumstance as a result of such a relationship.

If, for some reason, things are not going the way you had hoped in the program, either with the community or the membership itself, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Support at We want you to have the best experience possible, but things do come up despite all our best efforts.
Please don’t take things personally. Often the intent of others is different than what you might be feeling or experiencing. If you feel no one is commenting on your post, remember that this is a large group and things move fast…it’s a lot to keep up with. So repost.
The fastest way to build connections and friendships with other community members is to be helpful. If you are, then you will be more than adequately helped in return. Try treating each other like good friends, sooner rather than later.

If you decide to form a subgroup and want to create a Facebook, Zoom, or any other kind of group, please follow these guidelines:

  • Include this disclaimer in your group description: “This group is not endorsed by any Art2Life Programs, team members, or Nicholas Wilton.
  • Do not use Art2Life, Nicholas Wilton, or any names of Art2Life programs or memberships (CVP, Academy, The Studio, etc.) in the title of your group.
  • Do not use any logos or images from Art2Life or its programs.
  • Do not promote your subgroup within any Art2Life Facebook groups, Social Media Channels or Art2Life websites.

We really believe that everyone wants the best for each other and this program. It is in the greater interest of the larger community that we are all creating, that these guidelines are put in place.
It is critical that they are respected and followed. If, on the off chance, anyone ignores or repeatedly violates the guidelines, they will be removed from the program.
If you have any questions or concerns about these guidelines, please contact us here at Art2Life by emailing

Your membership purchase includes your unique login credentials.  Each participant must purchase a membership to have access to The Studio website and therefore we ask that you do not share your access with others - including zoom links and passwords.

If you have questions regarding your Art2Life Studio membership, please reach out to us at We are always here to help.

Please notify us immediately should you have any changes to your payment method.

If a member falls behind on payments without notifying the Art2Life team, past due balances will need to be paid before the member can cancel or reinstate their Studio membership, or partake in other Art2Life programs.

Should we have a problem with your payment, a member from the Art2Life team will notify you via the email address linked to your account, or the phone number you’ve provided. You may also receive an email from SamCart, our credit processing service, with instructions to update your card. If we do not hear back from you and/or your payment information has not been updated within a week of the first email notification, you will be removed from The Studio and denied access to Art2Life programs until the outstanding balance is paid.


Participant understands that Participant’s results are not guaranteed by A2L and that, further, Participant’s results are reliant on Participant’s own efforts and implementation of the suggestions and teachings of A2L.    

A2L reserves the right to release any Participant from the program.


Any copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, inventions, patents, products, or other information (collectively the "Work Product") shared by A2L in connection with the Services are the exclusive property of A2L. Artwork created by the Participant during this Agreement shall be the exclusive property of the Participant.


Participant grants to A2L, and his or her legal representatives and assigns, the right to use and publish video, photographs, digital images, and copies of artwork provided and taken by Participant for its use in its marketing and sales materials.  Participant permits alterations for the purposes of file size and image adjustment for teaching purposes. Participant hereby releases A2L and its legal representatives and assigns from all claims and liability relating to said photographs. Participant acknowledges that he or she is over the age of 18. 



Participant may enroll in The Studio and if he or she feels they are not the right fit for The Studio membership, and 30 days or less has passed since purchasing a membership to the The Studio, A2L will provide a full refund. This is A2L’s 30 day, 100% Risk Free, Money-Back Guarantee. Please note - if you request a refund, Art2Life is not responsible for any differences in refund amounts due to variations in currency exchange rates, or service fees incurred by your financial institution.



Participant agrees that he or she shall not use, commercialize or disclose the Proprietary Information taught in The Studio, including the downloadable materials to any other person or entity.  Participant shall not develop or acquire new programs incorporating the Proprietary Information taught to it as part of this Program.  The parties acknowledge and agree that any and all new variations of this Program shall be considered included within the definition of "Proprietary Information" for purposes of this entire Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any new programs or systems that are not derivations of, variations upon, or confusingly similar to, the Proprietary Information that are developed by Participant shall be the sole property of Participant.


Except as otherwise expressly stated, neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations hereunder may be assigned, transferred, conveyed or delegated by either A2L or the Participant in any manner without the prior written consent of the other party.


The Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the A2L from claims and suits including court costs, attorney's fees, arising out of or resulting from any use, reuse, or modification of the A2L’s Services and proprietary methods.


This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without reference to or use of any conflicts of laws provisions. The parties hereto agree that with respect to any disputes, actions, suits or proceedings arising in connection with this Agreement, venue will be in the State of California in the action is brought by participant against A2L. In the event an action is brought by A2L against the Participant, suit may be filed in the State of California. A2L retains and reserves all rights to enforce this agreement internationally, without borders.


All provisions shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason and shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with their respective terms, without modification, limitation or impairment of any kind.


This Agreement does not create, is not intended to create, and shall not be interpreted or construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, agency or employment between Participant and A2L.   

NOTICES. All notices and other communications under this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed given (a) when delivered personally, (b) on the fifth day after being mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, or (c) the next day after delivery to a recognized overnight courier.


Each party agrees to bear their own attorneys' fees or other costs in the event such costs are incurred to secure performance of any obligations, or to establish damages for the breach or to obtain any other appropriate relief. The parties further agree to mediate this matter prior to litigation utilizing a certified mediator.


If any part of this contract is declared invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this contract shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect.


This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

These Terms and Conditions contain the entire agreement and understanding of the parties hereto. Any representation, condition or promise not contained expressly herein shall not be binding upon either party. Any amendment or modification of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party.